Thursday, 25 June 2009

bit of this, bit of that

i love showers in the middle of the day.
i love that she's on cloud nine...
she deserves it!
so does he =)

4:37 tomorrow, then.

Im excited to lead worship and preach at Raze tomorrow!

I ask how you are.
The answer's the same everytime.
and it's intense.
...-woah. ok. it's different this time.
No accounts man.

The metronome concerns me.

almost overwhelmed by memories...

their. they're. there.
giving english lessons over facebook is fun.

i miss real hugs.

sharing my heart.

Thank God for Jesus.

are 7pm naps allowed?!

maybe i should go for a run... lol!

you sounded so happy that it made me cry.

malaysian style steak for dinner tonight!
nathaniel's favourite
for mum's birtday.

im missing lifegroup though =( again.
why must stuff always happen on a thursday?!

he makes me feel safe about next week.

tisha's prom is tomorrow!
her dress is i n c r e d i b l e!


Tuesday, 23 June 2009

page 37

i LOVE milo!
I forgot about blending it...
genius auntie of mine!

i want a typewriter. on top of my wardrobe.

I really want an old beat up guitar.
I had one.
but gave it away.

then i was gonna get one from The Changing Room
but some random guy got there before me!

bare walls...
breaks my little heart really...

sorting. tidying. cleaning. dusting. ing. ing. ing.
so many ings.
so many things.

i need a way of recording demos so i can remember stuff that i write.

knock knock jokes.
page 37.
you know!
How beautiful...

im SO excited for faith camp.
I've never enjoyed it before.

I'm on the source team.

and one night am doing my life story...

i wonder if that means i need to tell it to mi familia.

i need a word that rhymes with orange.

maybe i need a new lens prescription.

im pretty ok... fanks.

Beauty is as beauty does.

you become what you behold.

7pm siesta?!

dry feet.

Monday, 22 June 2009


Recently, im noticing a slight correlation between anger, frustration and lost car keys.

i did The Unthinkable Thing yesterday.

Surprisingly i slept really good.

I woke up early... and am tired now.

my brother passed his driving test today!
and right now is driving for the first time without an adult in his car with him!
his girlfriend didn't even know he was sitting his test
so he's gone to surprise her...
he's a cutie.

malaysian invasion hits my house tomorrow.
praise the lord for real milo again.

did you know there are two types?

i was meant to meet freya today.
but had to cancel.
i hate that.
nathaniel had mum's car
and mum needs mine to get food for the week.
it's the only time she can.

i am hungry.
cereal in a mug for the third time today?
i think yes!

good one.
throw a speaker at me.

i might hear you better that way =P

oh good.

rip my laptop in half.

another genius idea.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

rubbish platter

its 5am.
i've been awake for an hour.
i want to sleeeeeeeeeeeepppp!!!

so, i ended up having to cancel going to the charity ball.... waaaaay last minute
as i was getting ready
i nearly fainted.
my whole day was so dramatic and that just topped it off!

when i had a shower, my mum wouldn't let me lock the door incase i needed rescuing
and now im on bedrest until she decides otherwise.

i hate feeling sick in the night. well, i dislike feeling sick any time. but it just feels different at night.

im not using capital letters on purpose.


i think being sick makes me so sensitive.

i dont like it.

drink some rum he says.
i think not thanks.

hey kid... hang on in there ok??? please...
i know it's hard... i KNOW...
but i also know that He who is in you is faaar greater than any of the frustrations you're facing right now.
you're more amazing than you know and i just love you.
i hate seeing you sad.

i went and saw tisha in her school performance of "The Little Rocky Shop of Horrors" or whatever it's called.
She's been working so hard for 6 months.
She was one of the divas.
and she was aaaammmaaazing!
I was so proud of her.
She sang. danced. acted...
all with a New York accent.
which she does VERY well!
I had no idea my sister was such a star...
well, i knew it... but it was good to be reminded!

uncle tony and auntie helen fly in today.
the malaysian invasion hits my house on tuesday.
auntie marina's taken 3 weeks off work too.
my mum's accent changes when she's in malaysian mode haha
i bet i pick up random stuff too.
if i suddenly get a malaysian accent
i'll post a video =P
but probably not really.

i have my whitby skype date soon!
im excited.

i need to sleep.
i feel sick... maybe it'll make it go away!

thanks for tuning in to this "i feel rubbish" blog.
i'll try not to be so lame next time =p

Friday, 19 June 2009

you remind me...

That smell just got caught me off guard.
I didn't remember that it would make me remember so much...

Singing in a charity ball tonight. I hope I can sing... My throat is still being crazy.

Deeeeeear Sorrellina
I told you I would write you a thing.
Let's do breakfast soon!
You're amazing!
I've been craving Chicken salad like ceeerrraaazzyy! And every-time I think of one of those I think of you.
Let's go for coffee. And talk about our wonderful Jesus.
And ha! remember those post-it notes?
That was fun.
And the T.P?!
see you soon!
Love Tash.

retail therapy.
ha. I have no money. So i spend money. I guess you need logic to use logic!
scarf. sunglasses. waistcoat (haha! Yes superstar... I was inspired. And there was a sale!)
earrings. long tank-top.

2 ball gowns. uh oh!
What will she do?

Seriously. Have Fun. That smell.
I miss so many things linked with this smell anyways today...

I have to go.
Get my car sorted.

great =)

Thursday, 18 June 2009

On second thoughts...

nah.... let the silence speak.
It might be louder.

Breakthrough happened differently to how I'd anticipated and prepared for... By laughing rather than Talking.

"Tasha not journalling?!?!? That doesn't seem right... It just doesn't fit...!!!"
I know.
*sighs* I miss journalling.
p.s thankyou for my much needed kick up the butt today. It was impeccable timing as ever, friend... and thankyou for being gentle instead of brutal yet patiently truthful.
Thankyou for speaking faith and inspiring passion again.
We DEFINATELY need coffee more often =P

Stop saying shutup... stop making her feel small... Stop trying to act like you own her. Stop laughing while she shares her heart.
Back off, Bud...

"You annoy me therefore I exist."
Movie quote of the century!

I am so inspired.
I feel like I'm slowly coming alive again. I don't know exactly what happened tonight... but it was beautiful.
And freeing.

Driving home... Talking to my Jesus. Not caring whether anyone can see... Trusting for breakthrough in my heart and in and with my family...

Uncle Tony and Auntie Helen arrive on saturday from Malaysia...
I'm happy. It'll be so good for my mumma to have them here...
A piece of home.

I think I will smell of a curry for the next month.

I don't want you to move away, kiddo...
I don't think I can put into words how much I'll miss you.

I miss making tents out of chairs and sheets.

I'm looking forward to camping this summer...

Did you know that on average we think 1300 words per minute?!

I wish I could paint. So bad.

My gland is still swollen =(

The brew it is then... Honey, Lemon, ground ginger and ground garlic in warm water. yum...?!

Monday, 15 June 2009

Sunday, 14 June 2009

All Sufficient El Shaddai.

I'm too young for hip pain. Surely!?

Maybe it's time for the unspoken to be spoken.

i love wearing my sulu...

take me up in that there hot air balloon!

He's leaving for a month. I hope he'll be ok.

She's here for a couple of days. I wonder if i'll get to see her.

is it too soon to call?

It's funny how God will ask you to do something for Him when they're least possible for you... cause that's when it's easiest for Him to prove that its not by your might or power but by His spirit that anything can be accomplished.

home videos crack me up!
Thank The LORD for Change!!!

"Yes. I am driving on the right side of the road. We can eat and drink and talk on the phone here... So we can probably do this too."
Best video ever!

there are 52 white keys and 36 black keys on a full size piano.
I want one with 37.

I said that I needed some motherly advice.
She was proud of me.
And she still remembers my name!
"set aside time every day of prayer and reading the word. It's life or death for you Tash... It'll make you stronger..."

It is well with my soul.

I can't wait to hear his life story...

the Lord is all sufficient.
El Shaddai.
All Sufficient.

It doesn't take a time of tragedy or pain to remind us of that... it takes time of devotion and praise.

Nathaniel has his driving test so soon!
So grown up.

You don't miss the water till the well runs dry.

Family holiday soon...

A week in the Isle of Wight.

my brother, sister, a cousin and I get a cabin of our own haha

I wish i had benodryl.
And the journal i never got.
And that scarf that I forgot that I lost.

Banana Splits. It's a date.
It is?

What a waste.

Not all tragedies are tragedies. Have your eyes opened. Dont just see everything as negative in your life. Open your eyes. God can use everything for good.

Friday, 12 June 2009

some other things and other stuff.

I will not be bound by fear any more.
I cannot!
I'm almost afraid to be afraid anymore...
It's time to up my game.
I'm time to allow furthur healing and continual change.

ha. why is it so hard sometimes?
and where's the line between assertive and rude?

resting and trusting... and laziness. the line is where?

True or false: what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
I opt for the strengthening half of that phrase.

sometimes I love the red pen on my essay.
sometimes I hate it.
mostly i love it really...
but i intensley dislike giving it.
like woah.

I miss us. I miss how we were...last weekend was growing. but still, I wish I could figure out a way to address this... Can I even fix it? What is there even to fix?
Apparently communication is good for this type of thing.
my favourite. and least favourite. area of life.
It's getting silly though. I MISS YOU!

Openess. Brokeness. Growth. Change.
The never ending cycle.

Let's figure this out together cause I sure as heck can't without you.

"When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad."

Also, I need to learn to say NO when it's necassary.

I lost your number. I miss you too. And I have no idea how to get in touch with you!
I'll get my people to contact your people to discuss the small matter of the adventures with our names all over it!

Haircut monday.
It has been a v e r y long time since the last one of those. Joy cut it in um... september? and before that was last april.
Well that's not good.

BBQ tomorrow.
I wish the BFF was gonna be there... =(

I'm cold.
Also, my bear and guitar need names apparently.

Be Bold. Be Strong... Wise Words...

I got to talk with the superstar! im just glad about that. im sad that the phone ate her battery though.
but yes. i definately love conversing with this lady.
tuesdays & fridays = videos.

ok. 7 hours of sleep. actual sleep.
yes please!

cereal text

my tears falling out of your eyes.
That was possibly the most beautiful thing ever...
You are amazing.
And, beautiful lady, just hang on in there ok?
"I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on...
There will be an end to these troubles,
but until that day comes,
still I will praise You"

Will eating lots of oranges make me feel better fast? Vitamin C goodness.
I'm supposed to be singing in Leicester Square tomorrow... but I can barely talk...
I might have to cancel =(

Sometimes the purpose of a song is not to sing it.

Guide tracks done.

Ghanaian food, yes please!

"Cereal is wonderful. End of. Nothing else to say.
You can have it any time of the day.
In a mug is the only way,
so make sure you have your one a day."
Freya, you crack me up!

ok. time for the 20 miles of silence again.

I need the code for my radio!
At least music can block out silence!

I hope I have enough petrol.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

just a little bit.

10 miles each way. In complete and utter silence.
Every time.
Sometimes that's cool. Sometimes I wish I knew what to say.

Also I love how some people drop in the "big sister" line as and when they feel like it! Cracks me up. tears = poetic phrases. Evidently.

13 hours in the studio yesterday. With swollen glands and an eye infection.
Another long day tomorrow in a london studio.
Jesus, help me!

Whatever money I get from this is gonna go towards clearing debts and bible school this september!
Sing my way to school.

Insincere sincerity.

WE DID IT! It wasn't a fight, but we actually TALKED through stuff!

Babysitting a bathrobe over the summer. I love it!
I miss you, Superstar.
Let's have another sweats day. And drink REAL coffee. None of that instant stuff. Let's have sleepovers and talk about everything and nothing. And real things. And ask questions. And be goofy. Let's eat right. And go fishing. And hablar spanglish. Let's even go on a hike (my personal favourite!) Let's play music... lesson for lesson. It fits in your hand like the water in rain. Not a lot baby girl (just a little bit)

I'm hungry... but not inspired.

I don't know how I feel about you changing my song.

How do you get rid of creepy stalkers?!
Ignoring is not doing a thing.

Everything is permissable. Just not always beneficial.

God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
(psalm 46:5)

Thankyou for that.

I miss the kindred one too.
Come back! Even if all we did was Operation Babysit... I would love it still. Let's stay up all night and get mad/amused when the sun is up at 4am! Let's worship on the beach in the middle of the night. And talk with our hands. Let's go for a run... Up a hill. In real shoes. Fast Faces anyone?!
Let's text/IM while we're in the same room. And we could call Nevada 333-777. Did you know that there are 37 tagged photos of you and me?!

Dreams are weird.

Alisha and Anita will be here soon. Gotta figure out airport runs and such things...
Roadtrip to Wales!