Tuesday, 26 May 2009


late night. early morning = my life.
Emma's here!
I stayed at Jacque's last night. After the double awkward turtle time at the beach. lol!
the morning brought with it sweats, java coffee, shaky hands, embracing the rockstar within, learning to fish and driving to canterbury.
which brought with it scarves, picnic, tons of photos, sunshine, hike, facing fears, calming water,mini-mountain, stinging nettles (after the bridge - 4th post down) rain storms, dancing, "you can't film in here. incase you're trying to rob one of the stores. I don't make the rules. I enforce them."
then back to folkestone which brought apples to apples, minstrels, petrol, walking-not-driving, early night for some - beach surprise with Jon and Emma (armed with guitar, camera, blanket and hoodies)
which brought worship time, LAUGHTER, photos, mario, dolphin trying to get through the eye of a needle, lightning, sleepy time
which brought with it taxi service, driving home, not topping up my phone, getting home, ruining a shirt...?, incorrect grammar, sleep.

Tomorrow is the first of 3 open days at bible school.
It's 1:30 and I have to be in folkestone for 8.
for coffee. And to learn to fish. And to be the taxi. That's my favourite. Being the driver has some benefits.


I'm tho exthited!

must. learn. songs.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

It's that time again.

i just saw this in my mini-feed on facebook... a friend did one of those stupid quizzes
"what month were you born"
and her result was February. Which is when I was born.
So I read it. I never read these things. But I read it and had to smile.

"You have a lot of abstract thoughts. You love reality and abstract. You're intelligent and clever. You have a changing personality. You're also very attractive. Sexiest out of everyone. You tend to be a bit temperamental at times. You're quiet, shy, humble, honest and loyal. You're always determined to reach your goals. You love freedom. You're also very rebellious when restricted. You love aggressiveness. You are too sensitive and easily hurt. You tend to angry really easily but don't show it. You dislike unnecessary things. You love making friends but rarely show it. You’re daring, stubborn, and ambitious. You love entertainment and leisure. You're romantic on the inside not outside. You tend to be superstitious and ludicrous.

Some of it's kind of wack. But some is so spot on. haha! weird.

my eyes are burning and bloodshoot. Not sure why.
And I've been trying to lay down straight for a lot of this day.
I need to be ok for driving up north tomorrow.

Sometimes my little sister, who doesn't know Jesus very well,
speaks more words of faith than I do.

Chocolate, Coffee and Fairtrade.
It's that time again.

i NEED to sleep tonight.
Early start. Long day. Late night tomorrow.

Thank the Lord for a bit of a sleep-in on saturday!

If you think of it, pray for me tomorrow... And for Freya and Jacque who are coming too.
Pray for wisdom. Pray for divine appointments. Pray that our ears would be open to hear everything that Lord is telling us to speak to people as we pray for them.
Pray for miracles and breakthrough. in them. and in us.
Pray for refreshement. All 3 of us have had pretty full on weeks.
Especially Jacque. She went to France yesterday and I'm picking her up from the train station tomorrow morning and we leave straight away.
Plus Freya's had an intense week. And has just started a new job.

I'm so excited. I honestly believe God is gonna use us big tomorrow.

Bring it.

The Not -So-Polish Jamaican.

Jacque and Jon are in Paris.
I just watched Defiance two nights in a row.
As soon as I said how my back had felt twisted since DTS, about an hour ago, I've had such bad pain... Words have power.
I need a musical miracle. by next week.
So much to do. Absolutely NO time.
How do I listen to my voicemails from a landline?!
Burning eyes.
Time for new contacts.
How to organise tomorrow?
Roadtrip friday.
Sunday is when Emma Faith arrives.
Pitta bread and humous. at midnight. the best.
I just yawned.
If I was a box of pain killers, where would I be?!
hmm... not in the kitchen... that's TOO logical.
Grocery shopping today was pretty fun.
Bargain shopper over here.
I was writing that song for you. But I changed my mind.
white teeth.
brown skin.
baby videos.
over sized sunglasses.
Future embarrasement maybe.
I need to learn London.
Can't be shown up by an American... in front of Americans!

Deeeeeeeeeeear Thursday
Why can't you last for longer this week?! I have so much to fit in.
Love Tash.

Tatu is engaged!!! So exciting.

Today's funny story:

I needed to get my grandma's number to see if some friends of mine could stay there... But since getting a new phone, I havn't had her number.
So I call my cousin whom I havn't spoken to in MONTHS.
We shared a little bit of small talk and he starts with the number
"0207733... oh wait... I've forgotten... Hold up. I'll get it for you."
And then proceeds the normal big godbrother talk of him asking what I'm doing with life etc...
and then he gives me the number... we say bye... conversation over.
So I dial the number...
it rings...
"Welcome to the polish embassy... press 1 for-..."
I hung up.
Hmm... maybe I got a couple of digits the wrong way round.
So I dial again.
Polish embassey.
So I call Jonni up again... "Jon. It's Tash... The polish embassey... really?!"
and we laughed.
and he gave me the real number for grandma (who is jamaican. not polish)
and that was that.
what a dork haha!

I guess I got punked to a degree.

Monday, 18 May 2009


Don't you just sometimes get almost fed up of dealing with what seems like the same thing over and over again...?!
I do.
Also, I keep doing things that shock me somewhat. Like I find myself saying things that don't accurately represent what I truly think or feel... Really negative or mean things... And it's like I hear myself saying it and am so confused sometimes.
The other night Freya and I were having one of our middle of the night feasts/discussions and she said about how sometimes it's not that we're becoming really negative... we're just maybe noticing it more.
Maybe that's true.
But whichever option is true... I definately need to start working on positivity.

I'm in such a weird season right now...
Jon always tells me about how Situations are only as awkward as you let them be.
And such things.
He's my Awkwardness Therapy Counsellor...
Skills for life!
But I'm kind of just not getting the hang of it.

I feel kind of left out of the team.
It takes Submission to Authority to whole new levels.

Ha. For a second I almost thought about going for a run tomorrow. psht.
Don't worry, don't panic... I stopped the pre-thought from going any furthur =P

Well, I'm going to B e d.

Friday, 15 May 2009


I need to clean my car.
Sometimes I don't understand quite how it gets messy...!
I keep hoodies in there.
For emergencies ofcourse!

I also need to clean my room. Laundry time.
The not-so-laundry has become a definate Laundry.

Chocolate, Coffee and Fairtrade... I learn so much.

Sometimes people can be cruel.
And because it doesn't directly affect them, they just don't care.
But what about the affected innocents?

I dislike this.
I also dislike bread.

I have SO much to do today.
So much that I just don't know where to start.

Isn't it beautiful when someone just knows?
and just makes everything almost just ok
with a reassuring look
or gesture of some sort.

It's funny that to defend myself, I don't need to be defensive... I just need to let God.
I don't understand why I got brought into that situation though...
So irrelevent.
But I think it just made things worse.

And i LOVE 2 and 1/2 hour conversations with Kiwi! I think that Ariel is quite possibly one of THE most talented people I have ever met.
I love skype!

Bible school this september..?
Bible school this september.

Jacque and I have been planning it for months.
Sweats, sleepover, movies, nothing, food, music...

And tomorrow has arrived!

I hope Freya can come too.
But with those two together, I think I'll feel really white.

They both spent 2 weeks in Florida.
At the same time.

But definately beaches.

When does the way you think about someone change?

I used to thrive on noise. And people. Big Groups.

But now.

I spend so much alone, quiet time...
Sometimes I seem to forget how to deal with multiple people!
One on one is fine.
But I seem to occassionaly subconsciously freak out and become a blob of awkwardness with even 2 others.

Why was the guitar making that sound?

Pursue Peace. Trust Truth. Hold Hope...

This is a conversation between A an d B. Not C and D.
That was funny.

You are in tomorrow.
and I am in yesterday.
But actually
we're both in today.


Saturday, 9 May 2009

barefoot dramatic psalm 23.

I'm wearing a dress. I love it.
I sung at a wedding today... barefoot of course!
It was in a really traditional English church.
One of the songs was "You Never Let Go" by Matt Redman...
the vicar just said "well... that was a very dramatic version of psalm 23...."
he linked it to something else... but I just loved that dramatic description.

I've had such a musically inspired week.

Writing a new song... it's kind of jazzy...

August Rush.

Audience of One.

I need to pee. I just always need to pee.

2 orange roses. 3 purple flowers.

He said I was freespirited... and refreshing... I laughed and said maybe I should start wearing flowers in my hair ;)

It's 5pm. I'm so ready to just go to bed...
to band practise I must go!
I start singing in the worship team en la manana.

Sometimes I miss "back in the day..."
sometimes I just dont.

I miss some friends from then though.
Seeing them is always nice...
And not awkward.
And just fits.

Freya gets home on weds =)

Jacque flew in on thurs... (and check this out - she landed in Terminal 3... on may 7th.... Perfect!)

I took some photos off my wall...

I just ate a sausage sandwich.... I shouldn't have...

Rob and Jo fly to hawaii for honeymoon tomorrow...

Mrs Haywood and Ian said I should make my whole wedding into a musical and come bursting through the doors and walk down the aisle singing and dancing and such things.
I think probably not.

Band Practice...
Movie night?