Thursday, 21 May 2009

The Not -So-Polish Jamaican.

Jacque and Jon are in Paris.
I just watched Defiance two nights in a row.
As soon as I said how my back had felt twisted since DTS, about an hour ago, I've had such bad pain... Words have power.
I need a musical miracle. by next week.
So much to do. Absolutely NO time.
How do I listen to my voicemails from a landline?!
Burning eyes.
Time for new contacts.
How to organise tomorrow?
Roadtrip friday.
Sunday is when Emma Faith arrives.
Pitta bread and humous. at midnight. the best.
I just yawned.
If I was a box of pain killers, where would I be?!
hmm... not in the kitchen... that's TOO logical.
Grocery shopping today was pretty fun.
Bargain shopper over here.
I was writing that song for you. But I changed my mind.
white teeth.
brown skin.
baby videos.
over sized sunglasses.
Future embarrasement maybe.
I need to learn London.
Can't be shown up by an American... in front of Americans!

Deeeeeeeeeeear Thursday
Why can't you last for longer this week?! I have so much to fit in.
Love Tash.

Tatu is engaged!!! So exciting.

Today's funny story:

I needed to get my grandma's number to see if some friends of mine could stay there... But since getting a new phone, I havn't had her number.
So I call my cousin whom I havn't spoken to in MONTHS.
We shared a little bit of small talk and he starts with the number
"0207733... oh wait... I've forgotten... Hold up. I'll get it for you."
And then proceeds the normal big godbrother talk of him asking what I'm doing with life etc...
and then he gives me the number... we say bye... conversation over.
So I dial the number...
it rings...
"Welcome to the polish embassy... press 1 for-..."
I hung up.
Hmm... maybe I got a couple of digits the wrong way round.
So I dial again.
Polish embassey.
So I call Jonni up again... "Jon. It's Tash... The polish embassey... really?!"
and we laughed.
and he gave me the real number for grandma (who is jamaican. not polish)
and that was that.
what a dork haha!

I guess I got punked to a degree.

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