Monday, 18 May 2009


Don't you just sometimes get almost fed up of dealing with what seems like the same thing over and over again...?!
I do.
Also, I keep doing things that shock me somewhat. Like I find myself saying things that don't accurately represent what I truly think or feel... Really negative or mean things... And it's like I hear myself saying it and am so confused sometimes.
The other night Freya and I were having one of our middle of the night feasts/discussions and she said about how sometimes it's not that we're becoming really negative... we're just maybe noticing it more.
Maybe that's true.
But whichever option is true... I definately need to start working on positivity.

I'm in such a weird season right now...
Jon always tells me about how Situations are only as awkward as you let them be.
And such things.
He's my Awkwardness Therapy Counsellor...
Skills for life!
But I'm kind of just not getting the hang of it.

I feel kind of left out of the team.
It takes Submission to Authority to whole new levels.

Ha. For a second I almost thought about going for a run tomorrow. psht.
Don't worry, don't panic... I stopped the pre-thought from going any furthur =P

Well, I'm going to B e d.

1 comment:

  1. I'd just like you to know that I have a very strong urge to make a couple thousand dollars and then come spend like a month in England with you. haha I'm feeling very Tash deprived.
