Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Knowing. And Appreciation Time.

"Sometimes to know who you are, you have to know who you're not."
Freya Blackwell.


My mind just got blown.

It fits. So perfectly.

These past couple of days I've been struggling with familiar stuff... that's so unfamiliar....

Familiar because it's just how I always used to live my life.
Unfamiliar because I havn't felt it quite like this is so long.

Um. Wow.

So to learn and figure out who I actually am... I have to just learn who I am not...
repeat of the same thing.
but woah.

Thankyou Freya Blackwell!!!


I love you. I love that God uses you even when you don't realise... I love that we've been friends since we were 12... or thereabouts.

I love that no matter how much stuff (or how many people) come and go... you are so constant.
I love that we're so different in so many ways... but just fit.
It's a privilege to have you has my BFF... an honour to call you friend.
And I love when you teach me about horse skelital systems... Next you just need to teach me how to spell it. ha!

You are truly. seriously. definately. a beautiful person... inside and out.

I'm so excited about... lol! um. yeah. All the exciting, scary, fun stuff that's going on right now!

I love the way you make funny things funnier.
Wham Bam Thankyou Ma'am. Tashalicious.
that kind of stuff.

I love the earthquakes you bring into my life also. The good kind obviously.
I also love that we can have whole conversations and be the only people who know what's being said.

You're really good at drawing.


squiggity squig squigg squiggium squig.

I don't even know if you read this thing very often. But I just wanted to have a little Freya appreciation time...

P.S You have a cute smile m'babe =P

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