Friday, 27 February 2009


I wish I knew more about html and could post a video straight from youtube to here.
If I could... it would be this one.
Freya and I were kind of talking last night about how funny it is when you hear a song... and then don't hear it for months... or years... and then hear it a lot in a short space of time.
Tisha and her friends REALLY like that song.
It blows my mind too.

The sun is shining today! It kind of did briefly yesterday... but after it had rained already.
Today its just been blue skies since morning! It makes a glorious change! (Even though, actually I like the rainy, grey weather sometimes!)

I just read an awesome blog post by my amazing friend, Leanne.
-She was my team leader on the first missions team I was on... Team Charis... In March 07... We went around England and Wales for a month. She amazed me then... She amazes me even more now! Even if she does think I'm a city girl for not being able to lift a wheelbarrow =P Her sister, Natalie, who was on the team also... She is pretty much amazing too! And she likes knock knock jokes... and answering phones... -

But yes. Read the post...It's about how praise needs to take up the majority of our time... not "personal petitions" which are ok... but shouldn't be our main focus.

She writes:

"Praise and worship should be the largest part of my life. Why is this!? Well, I think it's because personal petitions can easily tip into the selfish pool, making my quiet times more about ME than God. Therefore, as I determined to worship and praise the Lord throughout the day, my eyes were not so focused on ME but on Christ"

Wow. It's so true huh? How our time set aside for God can still become about ourselves? I just remembered one of aLie's songs... Listen to Remind Me
I loved it the first time I heard it... and it still speaks to me everytime I listen to it.

Tisha and I have been asked to sing on sunday night... Josh asked if we could do Rest In You by Hillsong United. I'll try to get it recorded...

Man. I'm so encouraged and inspired. Today I feel like I could take on the world!
Bring. It. On.

So, I just was thinking about how God's goodness makes life worth living.
So I went to
and typed in "God's goodness" and read this
and said "wow!"
out loud.

Colossians 1:4-5 (Amplified Bible)

4For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus [the leaning of your entire human personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness] and of the love which you [have and show] for all the saints (God's consecrated ones),

5Because of the hope [of experiencing what is] laid up ]reserved and waiting) for you in heaven. Of this [hope] you heard in the past in the message of the truth of the Gospel,


I think that just blew my mind.
Faith in Jesus - Leaning our ENTIRE personality on Him in ABSOLUTE trust and confidence in His power, wisdom and goodness.

Now there's a challenge if I ever heard one! To lean our entirety on who He is.
And not what we want. Or think should happen. Or what life throws our way.
Just on who He is.
He is constant.
And stable.
And secure.
And More Than Enough.


  1. Completely mind blowing! I wrote down that part from Colossians. It's going on my wall :D I think I've repeated it about five or six times already and I love it more and more each time. What a concept! What a goal to live like that, too. I think I might share this at youth group next week... Hopefully I'll remember it or have it memorized by then! haha

  2. How beautiful.
    How's that going? Did you memorise it yet?
    These days I'm being continually inspired and challenged... God AMAZES me!!
