Saturday, 28 February 2009


So, I'm more and more discovering the beauty of encouragement.
Sometimes, when I'm having a really crappy day... all I want... is to hear some nice things... maybe about something I'm doing right, or something nice about myself... or just something that will make me feel good.
lol! When I write it out it makes me feel so selfish =P
Today was one such day and an example of to give is to receive.
A series of crazy nonsenical events took place all day
leaving me feeling like crap.
All I wanted to do was sit in my dark room and feel sorry for myself at the unfairness of certain situations and eat loads of junk food... etc.
Instead I journalled and prayed and inspired by Leanne's post that I blogged about yesterday,
I decided to praise God for everything He HAS done and all that He IS doing and such things...
Shortly I after, I called a friend for a phone date that we'd arranged yesterday...
It was SO good to hear her voice... but after a while she started talking about some things that she's going through and words started tumbling out of my soul and I was just encouraging her I guess...
I wont write anything more specific... other than by allowing God to encourage her through me, I hung up the phone feeling encouraged myself! By focusing on the goodness of God and letting Him use me... all my cares and worries and hurts just... lifted.
I am reminded of my desire to be a constant source of encouragement and life.
Infact, while I was journalling today that was my prayer.
I love how faithful God is!!!
I'm so excited!
And I just wanted to encourage you to be men and women of encouragement regardless of feelings and situations....

"You'll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our Master said, 'You're far happier giving than getting.'"
Acts 20:35 (message)


  1. awe! I like it. You were talking about Natalie weren't you. She said you called. :)
    Sorry I keep missing your phone calls. :( you always call when I'm smack in the middle of something. We should arrange our own phone date! :)

  2. Aw, I am going to follow your blog now too! I was reading your last couple of posts. You have many good, profound things to say my dear. :)Stirs up some good thinking. I love to hear how God is moving in other people's lives. So encouraging. I hope to one day meet you! Any friend of L&N is surely a friend of mine. Plus I love people with accents. I wish I had one! God bless you today in all you do!
