My name is Natasha Lesley Ann McCoy.
It means
'Birthday of the Lord/Celebration'
'Gracious and Merciful'
I'm believer that everything happens for a reason.
And that in every season, there are vital life lessons to be learned.
I believe that the greatest cause is to love and be loved.
Adventure and spontaneity are what I really love.
But also consistency.
I've learned that to rest is as important as to 'live'
Make Memories That Are Worth Remembering. That's what I say.
I believe people are brought into eachothers lives for a reason.
I believe that with every person you ever meet, you should teach and learn.
My life mission is to live a life that screams authenticity and points people to hope.
All the while, on the journey to find it to deeper and greater levels for myself. I haven't made it yet. Maybe I will, maybe I wont.
I mess up.
But I am not a mess up.
There is a lot of beauty in this life. I have decided to keep my focus on that, rather than all the pain and heartbreak.
Life is worth living.
Tips for Introverts
*Dear Emily, *
*How does an introvert beef up their people/conversation tolerance when
working in an interaction-heavy environment? *
*– Asking for a Friend...
Christmas Day is No Different
I learned tonight
that Christmas day is no different
Perhaps people act nicer.
And yet a teenager is murdered outside his home
somewhere else
a fam...
When perfection comes, the imperfect disappears...
OMS-II? Yep, that's me. I'm a second year osteopathic medical student and
soon to be third year! In a sense, the time has FLOWN by...although, when I
have ...
Joshua's 5th Birthday
5 years. Half a decade. How did this happen 'Shua? How could you possibly
be 5?
Sweet boy, words fail me. I love you so much and I wish you were here. I
Hot Fluff Cool Baby Giveaway!
Welcome to the Hot Fluff Cool Baby Cloth Diaper Giveaway! This awesome
cloth diaper stash starter event is sponsored by* Greenie Beanie Bottoms*
and hoste...
I need to vent!
This planning a wedding malarky is really getting to me. I feel so
disorganised and out of control with it all. Our registrar who also happ...
Latest News
Some fun things are happening. Today I heard that the song I wrote and
recorded, "My Love" is #3 in the New Christian Music Euro Chart - it had
been at #7 ...
Au Revoir Facebook
This will be short and sweet! I left Facebook for good after giving it up
for Lent. I was able to live without it then, and will be able to do so
again for...
So, here's the thing...
I. Miss. Blogging.
So much.
I've been asked by several people in the last 2 weeks to start up again.
And I want to.
I had grand plans.
I starte...
Jesus, You are…
Jesus… you are my shepherd, lead me… you are my friend, hold me… you are my
brother, understand me… you are my father, care for me… you are my truth,
The Simplicity of Life
So I'm taking a break from the 'nanny' portion of my blog to share a eureka
I recently had. However, before I explain my amazing revelation, I must
share t...
Planes, Trains, and Mobile phones.
so... seeing as I haven't written anything in about a million years, I
decided to try my hand at blogging once again. It's going to be quite
random (seeing...
The Fight
Latley I have been thinking about alot. Its tough to find one thing to blog
about because I never just think about one thing. However I had a thought.
The Sleeping Giant
Isn't it interesting how such completely opposite viewpoints can be held
within a country? What am I talking about? Well, to sum it up in two words,
Gossip is rife
Ok, call me cynical if you like but this winds me up something CHRONIC. I
feel like NOTHING in Christian circles is truely confidential. I can pour
my hear...
on the matter of trees.
i have become obsessed over the years.
i notice them everywhere i go.
and wonder what kind of tree it is.
and think of how silly i am because i could just le...
Fine Linens and Purple - and why
I just thought that I should write something to put up, seeing as how it’s
been over a week and I haven’t done anything with this blog. I guess I’ll
give a...
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